Laurent Guillier got a Master of Science in applied microbiology in 2001. He then defended is PhD thesis in 2005 on predictive microbiology. To this date, he joined the INRA laboratory for a post-doc where he conducted researches on modeling bacterial competition in biofilm and the activity of natural antimicrobials. Since 2006, he has been working in the French food safety agency on microbial risk assessment, genomics, modelling, source attribution, food safety, and sampling. He was in charge of the scientific coordination of several French ANR projects. He has been also involved in several European project (BFR/DTUU/ANSES RAKIP project, EFSA CALL BIOCONTAM, H2020-COMPARE, EJPOH LISTADAPT, …). Dr Guillier published more than $70$ scientific peer reviewed articles and gave more than $25$ oral presentations in national or international conferences. He also reviewed more than $70$ articles (International Journal of Food Microbiology, Frontiers and Food Microbiology). He holds an H-index of $23$, and his work has been cited ~$1,000$ times.
PhD in Food Microbiology, 2005
National Institute of Agronomy of Paris - Grignon
MSc in Applied Microbiology, 2001
University of Burgundy