Valentina Indio is a Italian national, holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Biotechnological sciences and a Master Degree in Bioinformatics from University of Bologna, Italy. She has expertise in diverse areas of bioinformatics and computational biology and particularly in NGS data analysis and big data mangement. Valentina Indio has implemented bioinformatic pipelines to analyze whole-exome sequencing, RNA-seq and targeted sequencig data, that were applied in many fields on health sciences including human cancer genomics, microbiology, pharmacogenomics. She is author of $>50$ peer-reviewed articles, holding a H-index of $14$ and $~650$ citations. She collaborated as co-investigator to $9$ reasearch project funded by national and international programmes.
PhD in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014
University of Bologna
MD in Bioinformatics, 2010
University of Bologna
BcD in Biotechnology, 2007
University of Urbino