Artisane Food, el nuevo proyecto que busca nuevas estrategias de biointervención y la mejora de los procesos y los programas de muestreo. Su objetivo es la implantación de una herramienta informática, que tome decisiones acerca sobre la calidad e inocuidad alimentaria en industrias de elaboración artesanal de alimentos fermentados de origen cárnico y lácteo.
An introductory technical article to raise awareness of the ArtiSaneFood project.
Innovative Biopreservation and Risk Modelling Approaches for Ensuring Microbial Safety and Quality of Fermented Foods
The Eastern Regional Research Center (ERRC) of the USDA Agricultural Research Service is a pioneer in predictive microbiology, and has maintained an active research programme since its inception. The Residue Chemistry and Predictive Microbiology Research Unit (RCPM RU) has specialised research teams led by Dr. Lihan Huang, Research Leader working on various aspects of predictive microbiology. The ERRC is funded by the USDA to conduct fundamental and applied research of national importance.