Filipe Moreira > Other data

Other Data


Academic Degrees

2004: Master of Science in Electrotechnical and Computers' Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto's University, with the thesis "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Reconhecimento de Fala" (Development of a Speech Recognition System).

1997: Degree in Electrotechnical and Computers' Engineering, Telecommunications and Computers speciality at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto's University.

1992: High School in Electronics.

Projects made in the Masters Graduation

Elevator Control System Simulator, using JAVA and UML, done in the discipline of  Programação Orientada aos Objectos - Object Oriented Programming.

Handwriting Digits Recognizer, done in the discipline of  Inspecção e Visão Industrial - Industrial Inspection and Vision.

Interrupt Priority Controller Project, done in the discipline of  Arquitecturas e Projecto de Computadores - Computers' Architectures and Project.

Study on Speaker Recognition and Continuous Speech Recognition, done in the discipline of  Arquitecturas e Aplicações de Processamento de Sinal - Signal Processing Architectures and Applications.

Information System with an interface on the Web of on-line reservaion of tickets for the Porto 2001 activities, done in the discipline of  Aplicações na Web - Web Applications.

FUVADI – Calculation of Additive Value Functions, done in the discipline of Metodologias de Apoio à Decisão - Methodologies for Decision Support.

DTMF Dialler, done in FPGA XILINX, done in the discipline of Projecto de Circuitos e Sistemas Digitais - project of Digital Systems and Circuits.

Study of the Andrew File System (AFS), done in the discipline of Concepção e Programação de Sistemas Distribuídos - Conception and Programming of Distributed Systems.

Projects made under Graduation

Study of the viability of identification of pathologies of the larynges using neural networks, under orientation of Prof. Francisco Restivo (1996/97).

FTP application for UNIX, done in the discipline Software de Comunicações - Communications Software.

Image binarization, done in the discipline Processamento e Análise de Imagem - Image Processing And Analysis.

FM receiver.

Study of optical sensors.

Project of a microprocessor.

FIR filters simulation.

Other experiences of lab nature.

Informatics knowledge

Several Informatics languages, namely:

-         C/C++

-         JAVA

-         UML

-         HTML

-         XML

-         MATLAB

-         DELPHI

-         PASCAL

-         VISUAL BASIC

Also hardware driven languages like:

-         FPGA

-         HDL

-         Verilog

Language knowledge

English, French, Spanish (spoken and written).

Other data

7th grade of the Basic Guitar Course.


Last updated: 2004/12/21